Re: brute force

Ze'ev Maor (
Tue, 4 Jun 1996 23:21:55 +0300

Consider the following...
        Almost 99% of ftpd's installed around the net enable anonymous
logins to d/l the /etc/passwd file. Just get the file and re-code the
login source (VERY simple) to try all combinations on the root password
from the file you just d/l on YOUR OWN MACHINE - result:

        A. MUCH MUCH faster then doing it on the actual target machine.

        B. Completely safe - everything is done on your machine - I.E. no
logging is done anywhere!!!!

-                           |                                             |
- Ze'ev Maor                | "We all have a little Daemon inside...      |
-   |  ...Waiting to come out and become a kernel"|
-                           |                                             |

On Tue, 4 Jun 1996, *Hobbit* wrote:

> Pop3 isn't the only thing with that problem.  Stock rexec, for example, never
> logs anything and is another good way to hammer on password guesses from the
> outside.  [See "rservice.c" to make this easier...]  Several other daemons,
> particularly the vendor-supplied variety, are similarly lame.  That's what tcp
> wrappers and logdaemon are for..
> _H*